Do I need to buy boxing gloves???
“Just wait, pretty soon it will be hand to hand combat”, this is what Kyle’s boss said one time either to a FB post or in person or maybe both when we were talking about how well Brodie and Keaton seem to be getting along. Keaton is just now getting to the age where he and Brodie can play together a little, this mostly consists of either parallel play (that side by side play where they are each playing and interact just a bit) or wrestling both of which end up with one of the two crying, normally Keaton because the playing turned rough. It is more often now that I will hear the two of them in Brodie’s room playing with the thousands of trucks, cars, hammers, screwdrivers etc., I normally realize after about 2min of quite that they must be content and try to leave them be so that they can learn to play with each other and so I can enjoy the bit of quite. The quite normally only lasts at the most 5min, normally Keaton finds it necessary to bring me some toy that he i...