Baby it's cold outside so come in and make cupcakes!!!!
We finally got some snow this winter and the boys were ready to get out and play in it as soon as we were home from school and work. Dad was home about 10min after grandma arrived home with Brodie (grandma picks up Brodie from school on a pretty regular basis, more so than Kyle or I do). Brodie and daddy got changed into more appropriate “snow gear”, because I am so crazy and neurotic about things in my mind they were going to get frost bite from being outside for 30min…..seriously something is not right with me... as if the ½ inch of snow that we received might freeze them to death, do you see what I am saying when I say something is not right with me :). Sooo anyway, the headed outside and grandma Keaton and I stayed inside and began making dinner, grandma only lasted about 15min inside with me before she headed outside to show Kyle how to build a snowman, apparently he had no clue what to do since the snow was so heavy and wet.
Brodie wouldn’t have cared if the snow man would have turned out as a snow glob (which it kinda turned out to be) he was just thrilled that grandma and daddy were outside playing in the snow with him. After about 20min of messing around in the cold wet snow grandma came back in and got some sprinkles for hair and peanut butter cups for eyes and mouth and the snowman was complete!!! He is a little scary looking but Brodie didn't seem to notice so it was a successful build.
After the fun in the snow everyone came inside and we began making cupcakes for Brodie’s Valentines Day party and for mommy’s work. Brodie has found a love of helping in the kitchen and I am all for it, I hope that in some small way it will help him well rounded little boy and not be only concerned with “boy stuff”, better because he has helped in preparing the food and 3.understand the importance of taking your time and following directions.
After the making of the cupcakes and the licking of the batter, it was time to make his Valentine’s Day treats for his friends at school. He “wrote” his name on each (scribbled across them all and said he wrote his name J) and then began stuffing the bags with peanut butter cup hearts and the Valentine card. Let me just say that this was a very difficult task for Brodie because his favorite candy is of course peanut butter cups so as he would count out the five to put in the bag he would then say and “one for me” and grandma and I would have to explain to him that no these are for your friends and if you have any left you may have them….this was like telling a drunk they couldn’t have a drink while sitting at the bar….poor guy!
The following day was Valentine’s Day and the party at Brodie’s school. So at 3pm grandma and I arrived at school to attend his party and just like the other parties at Brodie’s school that we have attended and once again we were amazed at how Ms. Kelly and Ms. Linda are able to keep the kids relatively calm and in their seats!!!!! We can barely do that at the dinner table some evenings and we only have one child to try and keep in his seat.
All the kids handed out their Valentine’s to each other and then had snacks that included the cupcakes that Brodie and grandma made which he announced to everyone “look grandma those are the cupcakes we made” he was very proud. After arriving home from Brodie's school party Brodie noticed a few items sitting on the counter and realized that Valentine's Day had come to his house also bringing a couple little things for Brodie and a card for each Keaton, grandma, mommy and daddy.
Good times are had at our house and we look forward to many more years of snowman making, batter licking and Valentine's Day parties....
These are the special times I hope I never forget and are a huge reason why I began this blog, I never want to forget how much fun we all have together, how important family is to us and how I need them to be part of my life on a daily basis otherwise I feel like my day is not complete. Laughter truly does make this house run and I can say that grandma, Kyle and I never seem to have a day pass that we don’t get a good laugh out of something and that is what matters most. God I love these people.
Until next time……
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