(sigh) being a mommy is hard work
The beginning of February and we are playing outside on the deck!?!?!? Are you kidding me?
Brodie came home from school and stated in his very best big boy voice “we can go outside and play” he was hoping that we would go out front, but playing on the deck is much easier at this point. So after I looked at the thermometer and saw that it read 56 (in February) my answer was yes! So Brodie, Keaton, grandma (mom) and I all headed outside to play on the deck. Outside time is one of Brodie’s favorite pastimes, since he is 3 now he can have a “pastime”. No matter if it is playing on the deck, riding toys out front, playing ball in the yard or his favorite of all, helping dad do yard work!
Brodie has shoes to wear outside, he calls them his “yard shoes” and he knows that if Kyle says come on lets go outside and do some work that he needs to find his “yard shoes”, I am not sure what we are going to do once the “yard shoes” no longer fit and that time is fast approaching, I am hoping that he will just make the smooth transition to new “yard shoes” that will fit his feet better, but I have a feeling that it might not be as easy as I am hoping.
Keaton seemed to love being outside also, this wasn’t his first trip outside to ‘play’, Miss Kelly has taken him out at least once and from the picture I received (not the one to the left) it looked like he was enjoying himself. On this day he sat in grandma’s lap and started out drowsing off for a quick cat nap, that is his normal routine when we get home for the day, after his allotted 15min nap he was all eyes and was trying to take everything in that was going on around him. Between the slight wind, his brother running around like a mad man playing, the dogs trying to get attention, the new colors and sounds he was taking in he seemed to be amazed, it was a beautiful site to see him discovering a whole new world that is literally right outside his front door, or back door as it was on this day.
Keaton has been slowly responding to his grandma talking to him, and to only his grandma, Kyle and I neither one seem to have the special trick figured out yet. Anyway, as mom and I are sitting outside she begins to talk to Keaton and he is just “owwing” and “ahhing” left and right and then suddenly the biggest brightest smile I have ever seen explodes from his precious little face (picture in the upper left). Luckily since I began this blog I have been crazy with the camera and had it with us outside and was able to get some awesome snap shots of gorgeous smile and Brodie playing.
I have learned a few life lessons over my 33yrs, however, the most important thing I have learned since becoming a mommy is that on a daily basis my heartbreaks with every new milestone that my boys achieve but along with that heartbreak comes an overwhelming sense of love and pride of the knowledge that they will become wondeful adults….it truly is the best/worst job ever, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world!
Brodie has shoes to wear outside, he calls them his “yard shoes” and he knows that if Kyle says come on lets go outside and do some work that he needs to find his “yard shoes”, I am not sure what we are going to do once the “yard shoes” no longer fit and that time is fast approaching, I am hoping that he will just make the smooth transition to new “yard shoes” that will fit his feet better, but I have a feeling that it might not be as easy as I am hoping.
Keaton has been slowly responding to his grandma talking to him, and to only his grandma, Kyle and I neither one seem to have the special trick figured out yet. Anyway, as mom and I are sitting outside she begins to talk to Keaton and he is just “owwing” and “ahhing” left and right and then suddenly the biggest brightest smile I have ever seen explodes from his precious little face (picture in the upper left). Luckily since I began this blog I have been crazy with the camera and had it with us outside and was able to get some awesome snap shots of gorgeous smile and Brodie playing.
I have learned a few life lessons over my 33yrs, however, the most important thing I have learned since becoming a mommy is that on a daily basis my heartbreaks with every new milestone that my boys achieve but along with that heartbreak comes an overwhelming sense of love and pride of the knowledge that they will become wondeful adults….it truly is the best/worst job ever, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world!
Until next time......
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