Old school TV

My favorite of all the old shows is definitely Murder She Wrote, my brother and I watched this show every Sunday evening with my mom and it is where I believe my love of a good murder mystery took root in me and the desire to live in Cabot Cove, Maine. I wonder is there really a Cabot Cove, Maine. Going to have to look this up on Google.
I believe that the simpler times are something that I long
for, as in previous posts I noted that I was born in the wrong era that I would
much rather be an at home mommy raising my children, keeping my house and
ensuring that all the dinner was on the table every night by 6pm. I struggle with this constantly.
Back to TV programs, I know that to watch these old school
programs now you can see that the production wasn’t the best but back then we
all loved them and they were just as good to us back then as the newest shows
on TV are to us now. And to see the
stuff that they put on TV now and think that this is what our children will
grow up watching, Jersey Shore??? Seriously???
Who in their right mind is happy to know that their children will watch
TV and the only thing they will take away from the show is the proper way to
pump their fist or that it is appropriate to make out with and go home with any
one who is willing, I am not even sure if this is the correct terminology but I
am sure you all know what point I am trying to make.
I just wanted to share one of my personal little secrets
with you all, feel free any of your old school TV favorites with me.
Until next time…..
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