I am going to go to yoga this morning and then get back right before the craziness gets into full swing, it seems
like the boys get louder and the house a bit crazier every day.

Oh and Kyle will be fixing my drivers side mirror, some how it broke and was left just dangling by the wires, reminded me puppet hanging from their strings, I am sure that it had nothing to do with the fact that gently bumped the side of it on the garage as I was pulling out, I am so grateful to have a husband like him, he is the perfect guy for me.
Dinner tonight is going fried pork chops (need to pull them from the freezer), fried potatoes, corn and biscuits:
As for weekly kiddo accomplishments:
has learned to use the word ‘fair’, as in “daddy you put me in the thinking
spot and that isn’t fair” (thinking spot is also known as timeout) I am not
sure what he had done to be put in thinking spot however I am sure that he had
been warned more than once to stop what he was doing or he was going to be sent
to the thinking spot so my guess is that it was “fair” that he was sent there.
I realize that he hasn’t used the word in the true context but I do find it
awesome when he uses a new word and is so sure of himself and his use of it.
discovered silverware and has shown a huge interest in attempting to use them,
so at meals we give him a spoon or fork and he goes to town trying to pick up
food items on the utensils. Mainly it consists of him pushing the food around
on his plate with the spoon/fork and using the other had to pick up the food
and put it in his mouth. I am glad that he is showing interest and wants to try
and use them it is wonderful thing to watch your children discover new things
and to see them learn how things work and discover the abilities that they
We are also going to start back to church this week,
hopefully the kids will be able to survive the hour service, the last time we
went was about 6months ago. The boys both did okay, Keaton went to nursery and
only lasted about 20min before they had to page me to come and get him because
he had cried since the time we dropped him off Brodie was too old to stay in
the nursery so we took him to service with us, he was really very well behaved
lots of questions and looking around and reminders that we whisper during the
service. Unfortunately our church does not offer a children’s program during
the early service which is the service we prefer.
I will post again tomorrow after service and give an
Until next time…..
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