It’s all fun and games until the baby falls and bumps his head…..
So it has been a good amount of time since I last blogged
and the boys have grown in leaps and bounds. Keaton is now 4months old and is
full of life like any little boy; Brodie still loves being a big brother and
daddy’s big boy helper outside.
Keaton marked this past weekend with a new milestone, he began eating rice
cereal and his first few feedings have gone very smooth that is until Sunday
evening at grandma’s house but we will get to that later.
Brodie spends most of his time in the evenings and weekends following daddy around outside doing this and that in our yard and grandma’s yard. They are actually a pretty good team and Brodie is learning tons while helping, they have planted trees and rose bushes, removed and replaced mulch, edged the lawn and he is now a master lawn mower and this is only the beginning of April by the end of the summer Brodie will have his own lawn/landscaping business!!!!
Along with this time of year comes Easter and Easter egg hunts, and with such we had an Easter egg hunt at our house with all of our friends and family and we had a blast.
Brodie spends most of his time in the evenings and weekends following daddy around outside doing this and that in our yard and grandma’s yard. They are actually a pretty good team and Brodie is learning tons while helping, they have planted trees and rose bushes, removed and replaced mulch, edged the lawn and he is now a master lawn mower and this is only the beginning of April by the end of the summer Brodie will have his own lawn/landscaping business!!!!
Along with this time of year comes Easter and Easter egg hunts, and with such we had an Easter egg hunt at our house with all of our friends and family and we had a blast.
Brodie would run around and find the eggs and grab as
many as possible and then run them back to his basket, some call it cheating
but in a 3yr olds world that is just how it works….and far be it from me to get
after him for “not collecting eggs correctly”, I mean seriously even I, the
crazy mom who needs to have complete control knows that you have to pick your
battles and this is not one that I am going to pick. It was a great day of fun and laughter and
kiddos running around in the house and out playing on the deck, really you cannot
ask for more.
The egg hunt was a wonderful way to begin our weekend, the latter part of the weekend wasn’t as great. Sunday started out pretty uneventful like most Sundays do around here. Brodie and Kyle headed over to grandmas picked her up and then headed out to purchase her new tree. Keaton and I stayed home and finished up laundry, changed sheets (it was after all clean sheet Sunday), clip coupons and catch up on some TiVo. After a strenuous day of doing nothing Keaton and I headed back over to grandmas with daddy and Brodie to eat dinner, it was grandma’s turn for Sunday dinner. While the boys and grandma were outside finishing up some yard work I decided to begin to feed Keaton his rice cereal for the evening, I had everything ready he was strapped in his highchair that sits on the counter and just eating away and happy as could be about his new food adventure with the cereal, all was going well and then….Warning this is a horrible mommy moment……I stepped away to grab a wet rag to clean up his rice cereal mess and turned around and literally in slow motion saw Keaton and the highchair falling face first off the counter do a 360 in the air and land on his back in the highchair on the hardwood floor. I am sure that at some point I screamed but the only thing I remember is picking him up and his poor little baby face beet red and him screaming. After about 20min of crying we were finally able to get him calmed down only later to realize why he was crying so hard. I think I really thought that he was okay, no noticeable injuries (at least not yet). I felt and still do feel horrible about this, I told my mom (grandma) that I don’t know what I was thinking, I knew better than to leave him in that chair, I did exactly what I would yell at anyone else for doing. After about an hour we all sat down to eat dinner Keaton was in his swing and began to fuss, grandma grabbed him and instantly noticed the huge ping pong sized knot on the right side of his head directly above his ear. After a few phone calls to a family friend who is a doctor and a call to the Children’s Mercy nurse line we packed him up and headed to Children’s Mercy.
The egg hunt was a wonderful way to begin our weekend, the latter part of the weekend wasn’t as great. Sunday started out pretty uneventful like most Sundays do around here. Brodie and Kyle headed over to grandmas picked her up and then headed out to purchase her new tree. Keaton and I stayed home and finished up laundry, changed sheets (it was after all clean sheet Sunday), clip coupons and catch up on some TiVo. After a strenuous day of doing nothing Keaton and I headed back over to grandmas with daddy and Brodie to eat dinner, it was grandma’s turn for Sunday dinner. While the boys and grandma were outside finishing up some yard work I decided to begin to feed Keaton his rice cereal for the evening, I had everything ready he was strapped in his highchair that sits on the counter and just eating away and happy as could be about his new food adventure with the cereal, all was going well and then….Warning this is a horrible mommy moment……I stepped away to grab a wet rag to clean up his rice cereal mess and turned around and literally in slow motion saw Keaton and the highchair falling face first off the counter do a 360 in the air and land on his back in the highchair on the hardwood floor. I am sure that at some point I screamed but the only thing I remember is picking him up and his poor little baby face beet red and him screaming. After about 20min of crying we were finally able to get him calmed down only later to realize why he was crying so hard. I think I really thought that he was okay, no noticeable injuries (at least not yet). I felt and still do feel horrible about this, I told my mom (grandma) that I don’t know what I was thinking, I knew better than to leave him in that chair, I did exactly what I would yell at anyone else for doing. After about an hour we all sat down to eat dinner Keaton was in his swing and began to fuss, grandma grabbed him and instantly noticed the huge ping pong sized knot on the right side of his head directly above his ear. After a few phone calls to a family friend who is a doctor and a call to the Children’s Mercy nurse line we packed him up and headed to Children’s Mercy.
Once their we were taken back to the exam
room and told that they wanted to get a CT scan of the injury to check for
internal head bleeding, and told us the they might have to sedate him to keep
him perfectly still….at this point I am dying on the inside but held it
together on the outside. So to the CT
room we go and the entire walk down I am praying a silent prayer that God keeps
this child still so that they do not have to sedate him. Luckily it was past bedtime so Keaton was
quite tired and he did lay perfectly still.
After about a 45min wait the doctor came in and informed us that he did
indeed have a cranial hairline fracture and that we need to keep a close eye on
him for the next 3-5 days but that he would recover over the next few days.
That night as I laid in bed try to go to
sleep every time I would close my eyes I would see that poor baby falling, the
lesson that I have learned is that even though this could have turned out so
much worse than it did you just never know so as much as I thought I cherished each
moment I truly plan on making it a point every day to take time with each of
the boys and to remind myself that things could have turned out so much worse
in many different situations in our lives and that I am in fact blessed to have
two happy healthy boys….and also not to walk away with a little one sitting in
the highchair.
Until next time.....
Until next time.....
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