The Queen was dropped at our house
As much as I hate to admit this Brodie has picked up a new shall we say 'choice word' to add to his vocabulary! It is the worst one that you can imagine, or at least that I can imagine....I will give you a moment to think about what word you think it is...
Okay I will give you a clue; in the movie Christmas Story it is the word that Ralphie says while helping his dad change the tire...any guesses?
Yes, you are correct the Queen of all swear words; it begins with an F and ends with a K. Can I just say that my world stopped for about 2mins the first time I heard him utter that awful word. Let me just set up the scene for you the first time the word passed his lips. Brodie and I were snuggled up watching the Olympic opening ceremonies when suddenly the dogs jumped up and started barking, Brodie jumped down went running to the window opened the blinds and noticed a gentleman walking down the sidewalk, and this my friends is when it happened. He stated as clear as can be and I quote “what is that F*$^#*G guy doing”, after the initial shock wore off, I asked him what he said and he REPEATED IT!!! And it was exactly what I thought I heard the first time…oh my gosh I died right there on the spot. I of course reprimanded him letting him know that we do not use that language and that it is a very bad word that no one should use. I figured that would nip it in the bud, boy was I wrong (something that I am figuring out as a mommy I will have to deal with a lot).
About a week after the first incident we were all out to dinner with a large group of our friends for Amanda’s birthday celebration. We were all enjoying socializing; kiddos were playing and having a great time. As we are sitting there I share with my girlfriends that word that he pronounced so clearly, now let me also make clear that while I am telling them this Kyle is sitting there talking with Jim his good friend (Amanda’s husband, daddy to Nic and Anna, two big kids that Brodie adores), and I do believe that Kyle and Jim were snickering a bit as the story was told, a possible omission of guilt on Kyle’s part?????
Our food arrives and we all settle down to eat, and as it always does, it got much more quite once the food was set in front of all of us, well everyone except Brodie got quite. He very loudly announced that his food was very hot by saying, “F$%K that is hot”. Everyone heard it and once again Brodie got in trouble for saying it. I think he was more embarrassed that he was in trouble in front of everyone rather than in trouble for the word he said.
What gets me is that he used the word in the correct context!!! How do they do that??? How do they know to use it correctly???? Does anyone want to make a guess?
My guess would be because he has heard it used (ahmm Kyle) in the excited, holy cow kind of context and learned when the “proper time” (I use that loosely) was to drop that dandy little word into his sentence. Did I mention that I told him the first time he used the word that if he said it again I was going to wash his mouth out with soap, I didn’t figure it was an ideal setting while we were out to dinner to march him to the bath room and put soap in his mouth, plus I think the embarrassment of getting in trouble in front of everyone was worse than the soap would have been.
So I have decided that the sign that needs to be put up in our house is such, just to remind everyone that little ears hear everything!!
As for Keaton, that kid is a mess also….growing like a weed and his little personality is growing even faster. He is my blue eyed boy with a new toothy smile that can melt my heart.
He is beginning to use things to stand and walk around, like the table and couches. I am sure we are on a very similar path as we were with Brodie of walking at 10-11months. Oh and he has figured out how to crawl the stairs BY HIMSELF!!! Mom and I sat there in amazement when he did it the first time.
I am so sad that my boys are growing so quickly.
Until next time…..
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